Marinvent testbed article in AviationWeek

Marinvent’s Avanti Testbed is highlighted in the March 3rd issue of AvWeek. The article discusses Marinvent’s ‘come-as-you-are’ approach to flight testing which can be used for systems, UAV, and research flight testing, including in NASA’s Traffic Aware Planner (TAP)...

Marinvent Corporation Featured in Wings Magazine

Marinvent Corporation is proud to announce that its achievements have been recognized by Wings Magazine in their current issue in a feature entitled “The Difference Makers”, which is also available on-line at Marinvent is singled out as one of...
Homepage photo credits: i. Vasiliy Vishnevskiy / 123RF. ii. Cropped version of "Fog (water particle) wind tunnel visualization of a NACA 4412 airfoil at a low-speed flow (Re=20.000)" distributed under the same license as the original. Copyright © 2010 by Georgepehli. The image is released to the public domain courtesy of Smart Blade GmbH ( License: CC BY-SA 3.0